Sunday, September 23, 2007

Remember me...

OK... so when I log into this site and it has the "remember me" box... you would think that the next time that I do access this page/site, that my computer would already have me logged in and ready to go...

... BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It doesn't work! So this is another thing that I get to talk to my web design class about that are annoying things that web designers do! or what NOT to do with your web sites. Does anyone else share that frustration? Also... the time that I'm saving this entry is NOT the actual one. WHAT GIVES?

OK... now that venting is over. Yesterday, a very good friend of mine (with season tickets to all OSU home football games) invited me to Stillwater to watch the Pokes play the Red Raiders from Texas Tech. Both Shane and I have been battling a bit of sinus crud, so we didn't think that we'd be staying very long... mainly because we thought that OSU might get run off the field and blown out. But what we came to discover, was that OSU made a game out of it and eventially WON the game! It was a great game and I'm glad that Shane drugged himself up enough to make the drive. Eventhough we were both kinda sick, I enjoyed myself very much and enjoy the times that I get to spend with my friend. It was tough when he moved to Tulsa, but I knew that God wanted him there for a reason. And he's done so much for the community and for that church, that it's hard to be sad that he's not 2 minutes from my house anymore.

School has been going well... and basketball off-season is about to come to a halt. We officially start on October 1st (practice) and we have 24 days until our first scrimmage! AH! The first couple of months have just FLOWN! We are going to be in great shape and will be thrilled to get into the gym (I hope). The girls have been working very hard to get in shape and prepared for the season... and so it'll be nice to get down to the nitty-gritty on the 1st. We had a good showing at the ORU team camp in June and did pretty well with our summer league. Especially since we didn't really have any kind of offense or defense system in place back then. But we're going to really get after it in Oct. and I'm excited!

Yesterday (Saturday), before I left for the game, Joel and Lindsay were sitting with me watching ESPN... when I got up to make pancakes, I changed the station... went into the kitchen... came back and they were still in the chair! They were too cute not to take a picture. Enjoy!

Jeanise doesn't get into very many pictures, because she's usually taking them... but this is one of my favorite picture moments of her and Lindsay. Aren't they sweet?!?!?

And I just found this one that Jeanise took when we all went to the zoo on Labor Day. This was really a good one!


Shane Coffman said...

Enjoyed the game with you, Mike. Glad it was still fun even though I had a kleenex to my face at least half of the time...

As a coach, I'd love to know your thoughts on Gundy's post game rant.

Jeanise said...

I'm commenting becuase I love you. I don't have enough energy to come up with a clever comment. But I didn't want you to think I just didn't care or something becuase I don't comment.

Mike Morton said...

I actually used this issue for my newspaper class yesterday. It went perfectly with what I was teaching about reporting all sides of the story and re-emphasizing getting your facts straight. I told my students that I was in full support of what Coach Gundy had to say and that those players are there to play and pay for their education thru football. They are still just 'kids' and Ms. Carlson needed to lay off. I'd go to bat for my players and hope that I have that kind of passion when someone berates them like that.

Thanks for commenting, dear. :-)

Kendon Murrell said...

Hey Mike, thanks for posting comments all the time! I'll put a link up soon to your blog... I agree - the saltiness is what makes the dried squid happen.

Tell me more about some things you wish you could have been more mature about as a teacher... I'm still trying to find my place over here. Any tips or advice from you as you look back on your experiences would be helpful!

Tell the fam 'hi' for me! The kids are cute as ever - and Lindsay is really growing up fast!