Sunday, July 13, 2008

And the hits just keep on comin'...

Since the last post, we've been pretty busy with family, traveling and just "stuff." We got back last Monday from our July 4th trip to Alb., NM to visit John (brother-in-law) and his family. It was the first time that I've gone down there with Jeanise and the kids and Steve and Lisa in 2 years. I haven't been able to go due to basketball going on, but since bball is over the end of June (and I'm not coaching it next year) I got to go. We had a nice visit and took Steve and Lisa's RV down and back. It was nice... kinda' like traveling in a house. :-)
As of yesterday, I'm still at Deer Creek (teaching) and unsure about my coaching situation. I'm going to have to wait another year to do basketball, because the jobs just aren't out there. Something may come up in the last couple of weeks of July, but it's highly unlikly. If it's God's will, it'll show up.
On a more "family" note... we went to the zoo yesterday. And although it was a little warm, we had a good time. Joel and Lindsay both got to see the animals that they wanted to see and we saw several animals that we typically don't get to see, because we were there early enough in the morning that it was cool for the animals to be out and "seen." We they took the kids to the movies... dum dum dum dum... to see WALL-E. It was fun and cute. Joel enjoyed it, but not too sure that he understood all of it. He watched the whole thing and laughed and payed attention (YEA! We can go see movies again!) Lindsay LOVED the previews and the cartoon at the beginning. About 20 minutes into the movie, she took her nap and woke up about 20 minutes left of the movie. She was pretty cute laughing at some of the stuff outloud and everyone in the theatre laughed with (at) her.
Joel is really growing up. He's a little boy now. It's really hard to believe! We have pictures all over the living room with his baby pictures and such and those memories are so vivid in my mind that I can't believe that he's a little boy. He's a lot of fun to play with and is just silly. He's starting to talk to other kids (very outgoing it seems) at the pool or in his classes... and stuff. It's a big step for him from where he was 10 months ago. It a pretty neat thing... and he'll go to Pre-K this year and we're so excited for him. I think that he'll just rock the house (room). I'll try and post pictures later of our zoo excursion.


Cheryl said...

We still have baby pictures up in the house of our girls too. Abby is still that chubby cheeked big blue eyed baby that I see in those pictures. It is SO hard for me to believe that she is 7 and starting 2nd GRADE this year! I swear I just had her! She is reading and writting so well. i love getting notes from her all over the house. Priceless. they really do grow up too fast. Hang in there, God has something planned for you. Love ya cuz!

Mike Morton said...

Thanks Cheryl. It's just amazing how big/old they're getting. It's been fun, but I have a feeling that it's about to get even funner!