Saturday, September 13, 2008

Another one bites the dust

Well... Another week in the books. Think that we've been in school about 3.5 weeks now? It's been a pretty good year, so far, and I am slowly getting into the routine now. The biggest and hardest thing to change is the whole homework and discipline forms thing. In 11 years... teaching computers and business... I didn't give homework (really) because kids can't exactly take a computer home with them. Well, now I give homework just about every night and have to look it over and grade it all. Thank goodness I don't have more than about 18 in 2 classes (which that may all change in about 8 weeks when my classroom changes to the newer part of the building... thus a BIGGER room). I'm staying on top of it rather well... but the 3, 4, or 5 different detention, tutorial, after school study hall, lunch study hall, forms are enough for a guy to spin his head off of his shoulders. I figure that I'll get that down oh... in about another year!

This picture is a few months old... but I thought it was pretty cute. My mom dressed Joel up in my 5 year old Halloween costume (which is fitting, since he'll turn 5 in less than 1 month). Mom made my brother and I Batman and Robin costumes. We were so into that TV series and he's always been my favorite superhero. I think that Joel looks pretty good in blue...

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