Monday, March 31, 2008

Morton Look-alike Meter

Ok... So the answer to the question is... BOTH OF US! I personally think that she looks more like daddy... but you know.

Morton Look-alike Meter

So my cousin Cheryl did this on her blog and I just HAD to check it out. This one is a lot more convincing than the one of Lindsay. Looks like Mommy... but acts like Daddy. I always said, as long as he has Jeanise's brain and looks (does) and my height (so far so good)... We're good to go.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

On the Road Again

Well... we're getting ready to go camping on Friday. I decided to pull the tent out of the attic... and as a SURPRISE for Joel and Lindsay, we set it up in the living room. Hasn't been out of the bag since probably Bob and I's last set up in Virginia Beach (unless dad set it up for some reason that I don't know about. Anyway, It looks like it's old (actually bought it when I was in Weblos in 6th grade! So it's about 25 years old! It's a little stained from age but still is in in great shape. Should be... only used about 10 times, if that.
Here are some pictures of the kids. There is a picture in mom & dad's house of my brother and I camping out in the tent. I decided to take one just like it of my 2 kids. Cool huh?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's so hard to say goodbye... (Boys 2 Men)

One more day until Spring Break... ah! It's been a busy last few weeks. I got to watch basketball regionals and finals the last 2 weeks and now March Madness is about to start! :-) We had our end of season banquet tonight... it went very well and I think that the girls enjoyed it. I was able to talk (might have been brief for some) with all of the parents and it was a good atmosphere. Different from last... different good. Which was... well... good.
Jeanise started a new full-time job this week as a controller (what else would she be?)... for a home builder. Controller as in an administrative accountant-type person. (what did you think I meant?) :-) Anyway, she seems to really enjoy this position and it'll help us out financially. It didn't help, though, that Joel started coughing too much and had a slight fever, that I had to stay home yesterday. Today, I had to go get Lindsay because she got sick at school. Ah the fun of being a parent. I think that it's that wonder Oklahoma Allergy index that has us all really messed up. Welcome to OK.
Well... it's 11 and time to get to bed. Going to be a little earlier these days... having to get Joel and Lindsay up early to take them to their day-care and then school. They've adjusted (other than getting sick) extreemly well and we've been blessed.
How about that Celebrity Apprentice! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I HAVE TO WAIT 1 MORE WEEK!