Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Take Me Out to the Ball Game... (Harry Carry)

Harry Carry here... Just wanted to say HEY ... and stretch 'em if you got 'em. (ok Harry, get out of here!)

Joel and I went to Bricktown tonight and watch the Pacific Coast League Champions take on the International League Champions. The Tuscon Sidewinders vs. the Toledo Mudhens.


Interestingly enough, I saw the Mudhens play a long time ago when we lived in Va. Beach and they played the Tidewater (now NORFOLK) Tides. Even the colors are different now (used to be Royal blue and Orange)! Whatever happened to tradition, huh?

Anyway Joel and I had a great time at the game. He learned about the pitcher and the batter and knows about where 1st base is. He clapped and cheered (charge!) and enjoyed the game. I think that he was trying to figure out what was going on though...

The funny part of the evening was when some of the inflatable animals danced out on the field. There was a monkey (NY Yankees) a giraffe, and a roach from Seattle (Ichi-roach funny... get it?). Anyway, this last inflatable sang the Take me out to the ball game song... and it is the famous song sung by legindary Harry Carry from Chicago. Singing in his place tonight, was Harry Canary (picture included) . BTW... I'd be afraid of this guy...

Well during the 7th inning, he caught Joel's attention behind us. We had seats that we about 15 rows up from the dugout and about 20 rows behind us was this big Harry Canary thing. Joel watched him for about 10 minutes when low and behold, he came down the stairs we were sitting close to and did his thing on the 1st base dugout. Cheers, laughs, waves, and so on. Joel did not take his eyes off this "thing." After about 10 minutes on the dugout, this canary decides to go into the stands... taking a step into the 1st row and then steping into the second row. Making its way up the middle of the stands and moving up. Then Joel sees what's going on... he's coming right for us! He started getting a little worried, but not too scared. Once that big ugly thing got right in front of him, I told Joel to give him five... no dice dad... don't let him come any closer! He started to shake a little... but didn't cry. Just clung to me harder and harder. After he passed by us, he sprayed confetti on all of us and it was just hallarious! We kept telling Joel that it was OK... but he knew that thing was around somewhere, and he was going to be ready for it!

All in all it was a good night.

I like it... I love it... I want some more of it...

Was that sung by the Rolling Stones? Can't remember...

Anyway... It has been a while since I've blogged, so I'll just write a quick one and see what happens. I just love coming home. A long day at school... class after class; then practice (which is going well) and then weight training for the girls. It's a long day. But the drive home, even though it is only 10 minutes, seems like forever! I can't wait to be in my living room, to see my wife and my kids! They are just a high for me that can never be fully explained. When I shut the garage door... the familiar, "Joel, whose that." Then you hear the scamper of little feet on the carpet and a loud, "DADDY!" as he tackles my legs. As I carry Joel into the living room, I'm greeted by a little girl who just smiles sooooooooooooo big when she sees me. She knows who's coming to play with her. And to top it all off, I get to kiss the wife, who I haven't seen all day, but in the picture on my desk. Nothing like a real-smile from your "honey" to make the drive worth coming home for. (there could be a serious biblical lesson in there somewhere...)

We've taught Lindsay her first conversation word... not sure if she knows what it really means... but it's "Oh oh..." She's so cute...

Off to school. We have our first newspaper coming out today and I need to be there just a weee bit early.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Another One Rides the Bus... (Weird All Yankovic)

Can you believe it?!?!?! 2 Days in a row! Don't get too lit up over it, though... this time I have PICTURES of my OWN!

Tonight... Joel got to pick dinner. "ungwee... pizzaahhhh?" So mom and dad gave in and we went to the new Mazzios on Penn and 122nd. One word... AWESOME! It's a new buffet. It started out as a buffet... then changed to carryout only (for several years)... then as Jeanise and I were driving by a few weeks ago, saw that it was a dine-in place. So we tried it out tonight and it was the cleanest place we've ever seen. And so much nicer... the people were nicer than the one in Edmond. Not to mention... it wasn't as crowded.

Anyway, Jeanise went to music rehearsal so the kids and I jumped into the wagon (the 2 kids, not me) and we went walking around the neighborhood for an hour. The kids did so great! Here are a couple of pictures.

Some neighborhood kids on scooters got the attention of Lindsay and then as they wizzed by, Joel just had to check it out. After Lindsay got bored of them... she took time out to pose with the "Check me out, I'm cute" look. Mom and Dad love this look...

Monday, September 04, 2006

Takin' Care of Business...

It's been quite some time since I've added to my blog, (which seems to happen quite often) so I thought that I'd share about my weekend.

Jeanise was very loving enough to allow me to take a small football trip to Stillwater on Saturday. Shane, my friend and my OSU dealer, met me up there for opening day of Cowboys football. I just love going to my anual game a year with Shane. We always have a lot of fun shopping at the stores (gotta hit every one of 'em, don't we Shane?) and eating somewhere on campus before the game. It was good to see the new editions of the stadium and where they're gonna put the new seats. It was also really good to see the Cowboys just steam roll over Missouri State.

Today... was Labor Day. Isn't that just funny? A day where everyone takes off a day of work. Jeanise and I took the kids up to OC to see Steve for lunch. Jeanise and I both noticed that everything on the roads seemed like it was the day of Christmas... nobody on the roads and everyone's business (except restaraunts) were closed. Funny... Jeanise took a 1/2 day off and spent it with her mom. It was good for her to get out of the house, since she doesn't get to do that without kids very often. With the exception of Lindsay having this nagging little cough all day, the kids were pretty good. I have good kids and can't complain.

Joel gets to start his new school at Memorial Rd. tomorrow. Mommy and Daddy are very excited for him. I don't think Joel knows what is going to happen tomorrow until Mommy drops him off at his new classroom. He likes to play with the other kids and do stuff. Anxious to hear how he did and if he enjoyed it or not.

Look 'e here... My little girl already has her eye on her friend Camden. Camden is 3 or 4 weeks older than Lindsay and they are just too cute.