Friday, September 09, 2005

And today's word is...

OK... I normally don't have serious "moments of inspiration" but one occured this week... or maybe it was later last week... I don't remember, but here it goes.

I was explaining to my class a particular concept about Computer History (now I know it was last week... oh well) and I used the example "a.k.a" (don't remember the specific example though). Anyway... it suddenly occurred to me that "aka" means... also know as... ! AH! I've been in school for how long and never knew that?!?!!!?!?!? Those of you who wonder how slow my brain REALLY works... how 'bout 20+ years for the lightbulb to turn on!?!?!?!?! :-)

That was just too funny. Anyway... weekend is here, and I'm finally getting on top of things. I have my lesson plans done and turned in BEFORE the weekend starts (whoo hooo) and now I can enjoy the weekend and mow.

Off to take a bit of a nap before our football game @ 7:30.

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