Monday, December 17, 2007
Ya' just gotta go slow, I guess...
Joel: "Daddy, what's that white stuff?"
Daddy: "Joel, that's snow and ice."
Joel: "Daddy! Green grass makes the snow grow!"
Just gotta laugh at that one...
Well... It's been about 3 weeks since we started off our season. We're 0-4, but have been in every game that we've played. We've lost 2 that we shouldn't have lost, and 2 that we let get away from us. We're all pretty disappointed with our start and have to do some things differently. I'm hopeful that we can make those adjustments in the next several weeks and start seeing some success when we come back from Christmas.
Jeanise is relieved that the choir concert is now over. It was yesterday evening and it was very nice. Mom and Dad, and I went and sat together. I saw a man who is a legend at OC... he was a professor of music there... Dr. Harold Fletcher. I don't know how old he really is, but he's just going strong... probably in his 70's or 80's. Anyway, when I showed up to the lobby, I found my parents talking with him and saying hello. Then when I showed up, he was, "Mike, it's good to see you. How have you been?" Here is someone who I don't see very often... but ALWAYS remembers my name. I wish that I had that gift to remember everyone's name that I have come in contact with over my lifetime. He's a wonderful man and very brilliant. It was great to get to see and talk with him. But I was just amazed that he remembered my name... I guess with a wife with a strange name like JEANISE (ha ha j/k)... you'd have to remember an easy name like Mike, huh? :-)
Last week of school before break! Better get there. Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 10, 2007
It's been too long
We started out 0-2... not the start I wanted, but it's been good. We lost by 2 points in our first game. We were a little nervous and didn't shoot the ball well. Then last Tuesday, we played the number 4 team in class 5A and lost by 11. We were down 3 with 4:00 left, but just could close the deal. But to play them as well as we did, says something about our girls. We have a game tomorrow night, but we've got this nasty ice-storm that's hit us, and it may cancel our game. The other team just came off a 3 game tournament, so they've got to be a little tired. We've been rested, so we should have a bit of an advantage. However, this ice may blow that theory. We have our DC Festival this weekend... Friday, Saturday... should be interesting.
Kids are doing well. Lindsay is really talking quite a bit more than she did. She's pretty funny. Joel got a good report from his teacher last week. She wants to move him to the afternoon program (which means that he's doing better and ready to advance on). She said that he was pretty much telling the other kids what/how to do things and that he was ready to move into an environment where he wasn't so (I guess) bossy. :-) I'm glad that he's making progress, but not so glad that he's being bossy. But then... that's a 4 year old for ya'.
Jeanise took a part-time job at Kohl's. She's working some nights as a person who changes the ads in the store. It's her favorite place to shop, so she get's a great discount and it even has benefits! So that's pretty cool and will save us some money. It's taken her some time to get used to it (as is me), but she seems to enjoy it.
Gotta see what the kiddos are doing. I'm home from school (due to the ice) and it'll be nice to have a day off (actually, I need to do some school work).
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Since you're gone... (The Cars)
It has been a strange few weeks and I'm sorry to those who check this regularly. Jeanise has summed it up rather well... severall times... this week. "It's basketball season." Sad, but true.
We've played all 6 of our scrimmages and now it's just polish time until we tip-off on Nov. 30th. We're actually playing a school who's coach was offered my job before it was offered to me. Aught to be interesting... We've been playing very well, defensively... but offense has been our heel. But, I think that we're going to start putting things together to make the things happen that need to happen. Was that coded or what?
Well... guess I'll go watch the rest of the OU massacre. Poor Sam...

Monday, October 29, 2007
It's Tricky...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
A Green ThumB?
Here's a picture of the kids at Joel's 4 year old b-day party.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Not enough grace here... but it's AMAZING!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I miss you like crazy!
Anyway, they're on their way back and I'm ready for them to be home. It's too quiet around here and it really makes me value my family and that time a lot more.
Ok... so now it's time to go cook dinner (aka microwave something).
Friday, October 05, 2007
Du... du... du... dat... du... dah! CHARGE!
This is Robert W. (W for Jason)... he was my substitute teacher on NERD DAY for our homecoming spirit week. He did a pretty good job, but the kids really thought he was weird. He had all of these really weird quirks... humming while he was thinking... walking funny, short tie... matted down hair... the WORKS. Needless to say... a nerd.
Just had to share what kind of spirit I have for my school!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Hit me with your best shot
... I get out to the parking lot... I'm the last one on CAMPUS!... and my battery is dead on my truck. AH! This was almost as bad as when it was summer... 10:00 pm... and I locked my keys in the middle school building... with my cell phone in my locked truck! I was having flash-backs. But lucky for me, my cell phone was with me and I called my assistant coach, who lives close, to come and help. I got 'er jumped and then I was on my way.
We're off to a great start this season... but as much as I enjoyed being there... I really missed my family. I didn't get to see Lindsay at all yesterday... Joel was only up for about 10 minutes so that we can celebrate our little event (I'll let Jeanise tell you about that one). And then Jeanise and I got to watch a little bit of TV before I fell asleep on the couch. Last night was a unique time... and hopefully, we'll get back on schedule today.
Have a great week!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Remember me...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Oooo... la la
Tonight, Jeanise was at a ladies event at the church building... so I called Steve (father-in-law) if he wanted to go with me and the kids to Rib Cribb. First, a bit of background. We used to go (the family) to RC on the occassional Tuesday evening for all you can eat, St. Louis style ribs. It was great! and Steve and I always got our fill. Then... the unheardof happened... RIB CRIBB IN EDMOND CLOSED! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now back to our story... So, Steve and I loaded up the kids and drove to south-OKC to the store off of I-40. We walked in and was greeted by 2 of my former students from the high school where I used to teach (they remembered me... and I them). We sat down, ordered... and 10 minutes later I began my sonet... uh hum...
How do I eat thee...
Let me count the bites...
Carefully I must not inhale, though
One, two, and three if I mights.
I eat thee while on my plate...
I eat thee and down you go...
To the depths of my stomach... even down to my toe
It was just wonderful to eat there again and enjoy a place where we haven't eaten in so long. Anyway... now that you've died and cracked up laughing... I'll go now.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Hangin' Tough
I started back to school this week... reported back Monday, had teacher's meetings thru Wed. and Thursday was the first day back for the kiddos. I teach 3 Web Design classes and 1 newspaper class... then I have lunch, my planning time, and then 9th grade basketball, and then varsity basketball. I'm done with my 'teaching' duties at 11:30... it's pretty nice. My classes are good and I think that they'll do well.
Basketball looks good for this year. The girls are really ready to get going and be successfull this season. I'm looking forward to that as well. We start our off-season program/workouts this Monday. Hope the heat can stay away long enough for us to get some work done.
Played in Memorial Rd.'s golf tournament today with Dad, Uncle Mike and Lee from church. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad that I got to play. I had some good shots and some really bad ones. The only real funny thing was that I sliced a 5 Iron toward the group ahead of us and heard a loud BANG! I yelled FORE and just prayed that someone didn't get hurt. When I got up to the green, one of the guys in that group told me that I just HAD to take a look. WHAT?!?!?! The bang was actually a 3-point shot into their basket in their golf cart! It had rattled around and was wedged in between the basket spokes! I felt bad. But you know... I AM A BASKETBALL COACH/PLAYER!
Well... I am leading worship tomorrow and have finished going over my songs. Going to have to get up early, so I'd better head off to bed.

We had a 3 hour layover in Houston... Jeanise and I thought it would be a good time-killer to ride the tram back and forth to all the different concourses. We made quite a few trips, but the kids loved it!
Jeanise and I on our date! We were waiting for the movie to start (Bourne Ultimatum)--didn't see the movie 'cause the cinematography was so jumpy that it made us nautious and we had to leave 30 minutes in. But we enjoyed the date, though.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The biggest news since BIRD, McCale, and Dennis Johnson... THE CELTICS ARE BACK IN ACTION! Just had to share this news because it's HUGE! For the die-hard celtics fan, this is going to bring back the GREEN MONSTER and the FEAR in all NBA teams! Those stupid Lakers are a thing of the past... Watch out world... HERE THEY COME!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
FUNNY STORY: So before we started to play, the course Marshall (guy who tells you when you can start) was telling me and the 2 other guys I played with about the course.... yardages, rules for the carts, etc. Then... the last instruction that he gave us was, "watch out for the snakes and the alligators. You can go." I was like, "well I was with you until the snakes and alligators thing was said." Needless to say, I didn't see any of either (YEA!) but it didn't mean that they weren't stalking me. :-) Today I had some really good shots and some lucky ones that for SOME reason were still playable. I wasn't going to argue though. I'll try and have pictures of the next place I will be playing.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I write the songs...
Summer has been very mild for OK... mid 80's and low 90's, which is great! It's probably due to all the rain that we've had (to make up for the last several years, I suppose). But nonetheless, I'm not complaining.

The kids are doing well. Here's a picture of Joel who has this fascination with rolley-polleys. He just loves watching them walk around and talks to them. It's kinda cute. Last Sunday night, our church reserved about 2 hours at a water park here in Edmond, for a post-VBS party. It was a lot of fun and the kids did great in the water! They had a lot of fun. Here's a picture of us in the shallow end (pay NO attention to the beached whale between the two kids!) ha ha.
Did you happen to take notice of the NO DIVING SIGN right behind us? We're in about 1 foot of water, maybe less. Sad that they HAVE to put that on there, huh?
I start back to school on the 13th! Can't believe that it's coming up so quickly! Well... need to get the morning started!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Summer time!
On the 6th and 7th... we took the van (and the family) over to Missouri and met my parents at the Starvy Creek Bluegrass festival. Mom and dad took their 5th-wheel and we got to stay with them. It was good to see my grandma, uncle Mike and aunt Sharon, and my cousin Elizabeth. The kids seemed to have a good time... but didn't stay to listen to the music, like we thought they would. I think that it was just too loud for Joel... interesting. We had a rough night in the camper, though. The new place just HAD to be explored by 2 little, curious minds and they tested their mommy and daddy until about 2:30 am! It was a fun trip though and Joel especially enjoyed the site tractor that dragged a buggy behind and gave everyone rides around the park.
Haven't been doing much basketball-wise since the team camp. The girls have the month off and I dabble in a few things here and there... trying to get ready for the season. But I'm trying to take some time off as well.
Steve and Lisa bought them a RV last weekend... it's really nice. I believe that it's about 24 feet and it's nice for taking trips. Kids can sleep in the back if they wanted/needed to, I suppose... or more to the point if mommy or daddy wanted/needed to sleep they could. We left Sunday after church and drove it to Roman Nose State Park for a quick-trip. It was a nice ride and the kids did pretty well (until the N0-Nap thing kicked in with 20 minutes left of the trip).
What's going on this week? Well, we're hoping to go to the zoo... play some golf (mostly for me)... and do some other outside 'stuff' before we take off for a vacation.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Monday, July 02, 2007

This is after our final game (8 in 3 days) at our ORU team camp. The 11 girls that I took (plus my assistant coach) wanted to eat somewhere before we made the trek home. This is our table at Red Robin... great food... but check them out! They all have their cell phones out and are non-stop texting! It was so funny that it was picture worthy. We had a good team camp... played some very competitive teams... and finished our summer on a good note. Ready for next season though... sorry Jeanise.
Jeanise had her lasik eye surgury touch-up today and while she slept, I took the kids to McD's... where else would I take 'em? Anyway, I thought that these pictures were funny. Joel was mazmerized by the video games. Not sure if he's REALLY playing, but I believe that he is. Whatever the case... he's in deep concentration.
This kid was just enthralled about Lindsay! From the moment he stepped into the play-place he went right over to Lindsay and wanted to kiss her. It was funny. And my daughter (I'm proud to say) walked away! THAT'S RIGHT>>> SHE'S NEVER KISSING ANY BOYS! :-) Anyway, this kid kept following her and trying to play with her and of course, Lindsay had her own agenda. Plus... it wasn't too long after this picture that daddy discovered that Lindsay was packing something in her trunk. And daddy told the kids that he wasn't taking a diaper bag because he didn't think that he'd need it. You would think that after the last 2 times that I did do that, that I had learned my lesson.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Sweet Child O' Mine
Well, Summer Leauge is O-V-E-R... OVER! It went very well, I thought. There were a couple of snafuu's but nothing major to cry about. The weather cooperated very well and it was not as hot as it has been in the past. Last Monday, was probably the worst day... it was VERY muggy and humid, making it really tough on the kids to play. Several teams had double-headers that day and it was pretty tough on them. I really enjoyed hosting it and hope to make next summer's even better!
It's been fun having the time to play with the kids and being home for the summer. It's funny to start seeing more and more personality changes with Joel and Lindsay. We're still potty-training Joel and he just doesn't want to do it. He'd rather not take the time to go in there and just do it. We've upped the anty for him, but we can only go so high. We're sticking with it, though, and Jeanise is doing a great job of being patient with him on that. But you know it's frustrating. We also are seeing more and more about Joel's manipuative ways. It's funny that he's figured out that if Lindsay has found a toy that he really wants to play with... he'll bring her another one that is REALLY COOL (sure, Joel) and make a trade with her. You see sweat-heart... I see future business tycoon! :-)
Lindsay's pretty cute... there's not much more to say about that. She's starting to talk a lot more around the house and her high-pitched "HI" is just about the cutest thing in the world. She's starting to get a little bit of her brother's stubborn-ness though. She KNOWS that she wants something and she wants it RIGHT THEN! And she's going to hound you until you know what she wants... NOW GO GET IT! It's pretty funny.
Well... off to mow. More later...
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Another one bites the dust...
I'm really looking forward to this week though... don't have to go to the gym at 7:30 am or 11:00 am for camp session. I get to spend most of the day at home and go up around 3. That's going to be a very-welcomed change!
Jeanise's birthday is on Sunday and we're going to all go do the Father's day/Jeanise... oops... Jeanise's Birthday/Father's day celebration and enjoy the day. Not very often that people can have a whole bunch of things to celebrate in one day. :-)
It's 1:00 am (the time on this thing LIES!) ... going to bed. Nite!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Up All Night...
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
This is it (Hewey Lewis and the News)
Getting final plans made for summer league and summer camps. It'll be my first as a head coach and I'm really excited about it. I'm looking forward to the fun.
Gotta go get the kids ready for bed.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I just can't think of a title...
This morning was the first morning in a while that I got to spend with the kids. Joel is talking SOOOOO much more now... and Lindsay is talking and discovering her personality. I guess that I'm discovering her personality, but that's just funny. Jeanise warned me weeks ago that Lindsay likes to take her diaper off and run around naked. Well... I guess I had dozed off on the couch and awoke to a giggling 18 month old streaking around the living room! After choraling her... I put her diaper back on. About 45 minutes later, I went to check on her and Joel in their bedroom. Only to find Lindsay, diaperless, assuming the 'poopy' position. AH! Now my lesson is learned. Well... after getting it all cleaned up, I went to help my brother with his computer. While I was gone Joel came in to Jeanise saying, "mommy help please? Brown yuck." While she thought that a going to the potty break thru was in progress... evidentally Joel found one of Lindsay's "presents" from earlier that got missed. "Lindsay's brown yuck?" That was pretty funny.
Night all and have a wonderful Memorial Day!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
On the road again... (Willie Nelson)
Anyway... it's been quiet around the house with Jeanise and the kids in NM visiting her brother, his wife, and Jeanise's new niece! Joel and Lindsay have gotten to play with Trinity for a few days and they're enjoying their time there.
Well... time to get to school. It's the last full week... and we begin finals on Friday. CYA L8R!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Speechless... (Steven Curtis Chapman)
Well... sorry for those who are keeping up with me and my goings on. It's been a tough couple of weeks. Long story (and you know how those can go) short... I've got a parent who has gone to everyone but me about an issue with me being the head coach of our girl's program. It's just a rough situation and the bottom line here is that... NO ONE CAME TO ME ABOUT IT! You really have to know what our district is like to truely appreciate what's going on. I had thoughts of giving it all up and just, well, quiting... was it worth it? Well... ABSOLUTLY! I'm not quiting and I'm not letting 1 parent spoil it all! I've got too many others who are supportive of me and what I did last year. This is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I'm not going to take it for granted.
So that's what has been occupying my time for the last 3 weeks. Now on to happier notes...
Joel is just growing so much and getting so much more vocal. He is a sweet little boy who loves to play with his sister (although, he's still learning about what's Lindsay's and what's his... everything is Joel's). I got to play with the 2 of them in the back yard tonight for about an hour. I'll admit... when I first came home the last thing that I wanted to do was to go outside. But after a while, it was the best thing that I could have done. I played ball with Joel and chased him around for awhile. Lindsay and I worked on her t-ball skills (she's gonna be good) and then we just ran around for a while. It was a lot of fun.
Tonight, Lindsay started fussing a little abit to Jeanise. Jeanise asked her if she was hungry... do you want a snack?... do you want some goldfish? She then quieted down and left the room. About a minute later... Lindsay had in her hands... the tupperware container from the pantry where we keep the goldfish and handed it to Jeanise with a 'uh!' Which translated to me: "You guys were way to slow with this, so I did it myself!" Jeanise and I just broke out in laughter and it was just the funniest thing.
Well... off to bed. Night!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Just Can't Wait.... (don't know if it's a real title or not)
Interesting how you miss those little things... HURRY HOME! :-)
Monday, March 26, 2007
I want a new drug... (not really, but it's the first thing that came to mind)
The Three-Word Answer Meme:
01. Where is your cell phone? On the charger.
02. Boyfriend/girlfriend? Sleep with her... (for the last 12+ years)
03. Hair? Summer Hair do
04. Your mother? Loves her children
05. Your father? Very, very tall
06. Your favorite item(s)? Jeanise, Joel, Lindsay
07. Your dream last night? School and basketball
08. Your favorite drink? XL Mountain Dew
09. Your dream girl? Always been Jeanise
10. The room you are in? My hot study.
11. Your fear? Living by myself
12. What do you want to be in 10 years? Coaching and Teaching
13. Who did you hang out with last night? Same as 06
14. What are you not? Artistic, instrumental, creative
15. Are you in love? Absolutely, Yes, Si
16. One of your wish list items? An undefeated season
17. What time is it? 11:01 in Oklahoma.
18. The last thing you did? Watch the Apprentice
19. What are you wearing? Shorts and t-shirt
20. Your favorite book? Larry Bird's--Drive
21. The last thing you ate? I don't remember
22. Your life? Busy, busy, wonderful
23. Your mood? tired, sleepy, questionable
24. Your friends? Supportive, loyal, humorous
25. What are you thinking about right now? Bed and tomorrow
26. Your car? My black Avalanche
27. What are you doing at this moment? You haveta' ask (I stretched that one...)
28. Your summer? Basketball, mowing, hot
29. Your relationship status? Married 12 years.
30. What is on your TV screen? Nothing, black, light
31. When is the last time you laughed? At dinner time.
32. Last time you cried? Not real sure.
33. School? Really wanna' know?
Monday, March 19, 2007
It's been a long, long time comin' (I've got you...)
Basketball is again and now officially over. The state tournament was last weekend and it was fun. I took my team to the finals of the 6A Girls tournament because (dah dah DAH DAH!) we are the 5A Academic State Champions! Which means we may not have won the big game at the end, but we're smarter than any other team in Class 5A! It was pretty cool to accept that award. These girls work very hard on their grades and this was a great way to acknowledge that effort. It was over a 3.8! Pretty smart kids, if I do say so myself... The team that beat us in the first round, went on the final 4 of the tournament before getting beat. That made me feel pretty good, but know that we've got to really do some things different for next year.
I've been coaching JV baseball for about 3 weeks, I guess. We're doing alright, but now have a break while the Varsity travels to Gulf Shores, AL on a baseball trip. It's a good deal for them and I'm sure will be fun.
The kids are doing great... Lindsay is walking EVERYWHERE and stumbles every now and then. Joel loves this new Tickle Me Elmo doll that Jeanise found at Kohls. It's the funniest thing that I've ever seen... but rather annoying when it goes off for HOURS! The kids love to play together and go outside. It's a lot of fun to watch them grow up together and to play the way they do.
Well... I'm going to go into the living room now and start my SPRING BREAK! Sometimes, I love being a teacher! :-)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
One and done...
Well, my girls lost in the first round of regionals on Thursday. We played a very good Coweta team (ranked 7 in class 5A) and just couldn't get anything going. We played hard, but shots just didn't fall... calls didn't go our way... and it was a tough night on a team of girls who's only returning starter was on the bench in a cast. The girls fought and fought, and were quite disappointed in the way their season finished out.
I know that they're sad, but I'm kinda' depressed because the season is over. I put a lot of time energy and myself into this team since August... and now it's over. I'm going over to baseball next, but am going to take some time off so that I can take a bit of a break and get things wrapped up on the basketball end.
Just wanted to share...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Getting to know you... getting to know you... dah dah dah dah
1. The phone rings. Who are you hoping it is? Publisher's Clearing House... (I'm a teacher, can't I hope?)... Naw... really, Jeanise. I love hearing her voice in the afternoon of my day... it's a refreshing break.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Yep.
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? Sadly, I admit, I talk people's heads off. I really can't shut up. Is there an AA for people who can't shut up?
4. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? No... I die of not having people to talk to.
5. Do you like to ride horses? Nay... I mean... Naw... But I do do a really good Mr. Ed impression. That's about as close as I get.
6. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? I did in Webelos (aka Boy Scouts) a couple of times. Never went to church camp because it always conflicted with baseball season (little league).
7. What was your favorite board game as a kid? Had a bunch... really liked Candyland, Stratego, but I really liked playing SORRY with my mom. She really got into it...
8. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was taken what would you do? RUN AND HIDE!
9. Are you judgmental? What are you trying to say, huh? I think everyone is a little bit. I'd say that I am some. I think being a teacher and a father has helped me to be less judgemental, in that regard.
10. Would you date someone with different religious beliefs? Did a couple of times...
11. Are you continuing your education? In a manner of speaking... I tell my students, I love giving tests... not taking them. I did spend about 5 weeks a couple of summers ago cramming in Algebra I, II, & Geometry for a Math certification test. It was a little fun. Made me realized what REAL studying in college was like.
12. Do you know how to shoot a gun? Yes, but not real well. Got to shoot my uncle Mike's colonial riffle a couple of times in college. Those are really big balls and they make really big holes in coffee cans.
13. If your house was on fire, what’s the first thing you’d grab? My family... cat will just have to roll the dice.
14. How often do you read books? about every day... for about 5-10 minutes... all I will say... (TMI)
15. Do you think more about the past, present or future? Past... but working on the other two more.
16. What is your favorite children’s book? Green Eggs and Ham, and the Beverly Cleary books
17. How tall are you? 6'6" (basketball height)... 6'5 1/2" (reality, probably)
18. Where is your ideal house located? Myrtle Beach, SC on the golf course
19. Last person you talked to? Jeanise... watching tv and discussion which people should go from GREASE
20. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? On a date with Jeanise and the kids, about 4-5 weeks ago... Why? (so random)
21. What are your keys on your key chain for? Opening all sorts of doors at my school... mostly athletic facility doors (it's all about the # of keys, ya know?)
22. What did you do last night? Statted the last 2 games of the season and went to bed after Jeanise was asleep
23. Where is your current pain? in bed... JUST KIDDING! Hurt my shoulder playing basketball Saturday, and it's still sore.
24. Do you like mustard? sure... would you like some Grey Poupon?... GRAY POOP ON WHAT?!?!
25. Do you like your mom or dad? Absolutely!
26. How long does it take you in the shower? 10 minutes on a regular day... 3 minutes when I wake up late for school
27. What movie do you want to see right now? Bruce Almighty... Jim Carrey always makes me laugh
28. Do you put lotion on your dog or cats? My cat is the cleanest cat on the planet... he doesn't need anything
29. What did you do for New Year’s? Played dominoes with Shane and Alice Coffman and listened to Shane's OSU ringtone into the night... to the point that I now dream it! AH!!H!H!!!
30. Do you think The Grudge was scary? don't know... are they going to hold that against me? :-)
31. Do you own a camera phone? yep
32. What’s the last letter of your middle name? 'n' (again, really random)
33. Who did you vote for on American Idol? the girl... :-)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
What is Love... (Night at the Roxburry)
Yesterday, as everyone knows, was V-day (as many of the DC kids called it). It was funny to see all of the youth of today just lighting up (because of flowers or candy)... and then seeing some in tears because of... well... not getting the flowers or candy.
So, what is love? I heard someone say that you don't fall in love with a person... you fall in love with who that person is and what they are. I think that is true to some extent. I love my kids and my wife deeply... why? Because I feel head over heels for who she is and what she's all about... and she just happens to make my eyes bug out (like those cartoon characters on 80's tv did) every time I see her. I love my kids because of who they are and that they were a gift from God.
Hope everyone had a wonderful... V-day! (intro... the song and the head---bob... you'll have to do that one on your own...)
Friday, February 09, 2007
Gonna go watch the KSBI re-play now... NITE!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
3-2-1... Double OT
On another note... I was in the Daily Oklahoman today (see quote--have to scroll down). The reporter called me and asked the question, "Would I want my child/child's (ha ha childern just kidding) playing for Bobby Knight." It was an interesting question, but I told him exactly how I felt. You can read it. I caught myself, at first, thinking, "what would everyone want me to say or hear?" But I stopped and thought, "no, what do I really and honestly feel?" What was "right?" I thought that I brought it home pretty well.
Anyway... gotta go and take a shower now. Had a church-league basketball game today. I was suckin' wind for the first 1/2, but came out really strong in the 2nd half. I think that I had 6 blocks! It was really cool. When I wasn't scoring, I was working for rebounds. It's amazing... I didn't used to think like that, but this coaching thing has really changed my playing perspective.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Well that'll be the day...
OKLAHOMA! Oklahoma revised... (you have to sing along)
where the cold fronts sweepin' down the plain;
And the piles of sleet beneath your feet
Follow right behind the freezing rain.
SNO-klahoma, Ev'ry night my honey lamb and I
Travel home from work and hope some jerk
Doesn't wreck our car in passing by.
We know we belong to the land
But it could use more salt and sand!
And when we sayYeeow! Ayipioeeay!
We're only sayin' You're slick as snot,
Oy Vey!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
You don't what you've got... 'til it's gone. (Cinderella--Long Cold Winter)
... Anyway if a 5 game losing streak wasn't enough (6, after today's loss)... we lost our only returning senior-starter in today's game. She was going up for a shot on the baseline and a defender tied up her shot and WACKED her really hard on her other (left) hand. Call: JUMP BALL... Bad call... because she was in tears and trying to hold her hand up (this girl DOESN'T complain about being hurt at all--so this was a big deal). Diagnosis: She had an MRI or an X-ray done... broken hand in 3 places! OUCH! I felt so badly for her... she's a great young lady and plays so hard... not to mention that she's done so well this season, I hated for her to go this way. We won't know for sure about her future until probably tomorrow, but it's not looking good. I told the other girls that someone (or someones) was going to have to step up! We'll see what happens...
In other news... Lindsay and Joel are starting to act like their normal selves after having the "junk" for the last few days. Last night, I don't think that Joel even went to sleep! I checked in on him at 10:15 before I went to bed... he was in bed, in the sleeping position, but not sleeping. Then later in the evening, I heard him coughing and playing with one of his toys. THEN!!!!! From 2:00 am (yes AM!) until about 5:00 he came into our bedroom and was ready for the morning. Had to put him in bed a couple of times, then I just decided... "HEY! Why don't you watch Disney at 4!" When my alarm went off at about 5:45 this morning, Jeanise and I went to check on him... AND THAT TURKEY WAS SLEEPING! ah!!!!!!!! Lindsay woke up a few times too. Hopefully they'll both stay asleeep tonight.
On a funner note: Lindsay was walking from Jeanise to me for about 10 minutes tonight! It was pretty cool! She was so funny and thought it was some game. Then Joel wanted to get involved and then it was just halarious. She's been getting around the house with this little plastic chair that she pushes in front of her everywhere... we knew that it was only a matter of time before she started the walking thing.
Gonna get back to TV with the wife... L8r.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Long Cold Winter (Cinderella)
Today's practice was fun for me. What started out as a "let's get pumped and back to the grindstone" kind of practice turned into an offensive filled gusher! While trying to take a nap yesterday, I was dozing to the SMU vs. Tulsa women's basketball game. I saw a play I liked... wrote it down (before I forgot it) and then fell asleep. So I put it in today... drew it up for the girls... and they ran it well (eventually). Then I thought... "hm... let's do this with that" and then it went "now how about an option with 2 cutters"... and then POOF! I had 3 set plays! I was so excited and the girls enjoyed watching me develop all of these on the board. It was cool. I'm not real good at coming up with offenses, but in the last 4 months, I've really started to put some things together that are really working for us.
In the famous words of Hanibal from the A-team... "I just love it when a plan comes together!"
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Back in the saddle again... NOT!
I had a really nice article in the Edmond Sun about my team... wanted to share.
Well.. back to family. Lindsay surprised me tonight with 4 steps on her own! Missed the photo op.... sorry...
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Let it ICE... Let it ICE... Let it ICE
Now on to the more... regretful news... I took out a pilar at the mall! Sad part... I was parked and going into reverse. Let me explain: I had just dropped the kids and Jeanise off at the pull-thru at the mall (so it's not like I was even driving when I did this!). A car had pulled in front of me by the time I got back into the van. They were parked smack-dab in the middle so I could pull around them... and I waited about 5 seconds... no movement or any sign of getting out by anybody in the car... so I decided to back out of the pull-thru. As I'm pulling out, I don't see anything in my passenger mirror until the back-up sensor goes off. I'm thinking, "that's weird why is it?... BAM" Oops... didn't see the 3 foot high, cement pilar sticking out of the ground. Thought I was clear and that all was left was street... NOPE. Needless to say, the passenger side rear doesn't look as new as it did. I felt bad... not to mention seeing the look on Jeanise's face when... Oh ... that's right, she was pulling into the doors of the mall when she heard the thud. So I did see the look on her face! It was probably worse than the look on mine. Well... now we have to go get that fixed. And it wasn't even a snow/ice accident! That'll be coming out of my lawn mowing money in the summer! :-)
Be safe! (or safer than me)
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Speechless (Steven Curtis Chapman)