I found this on someone else's blog site and just thought I'd try it and see what happens:
1) What were you doing 10 years ago? I was about to finish my student teaching, getting ready to graduate from OC... and panicing about how Jeanise and I were going to come up with $4,000 to go to Japan for a year.
2) 5 years ago? Teaching at PCWest... about this time, I was the head boys soccer coach. Now don't get any ideas... I was filling in for a guy who quit at the beginning of the season and I was the only coach left who wasn't coaching a Spring sport.
3) 1 year ago? I was at Oklahoma Christian Academy and about to accept a job at Deer Creek High School.
4) Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Peanut M&Ms
2. Nacho Cheese Dorittos (probably my #1)
3. Funnoins
4. Peanut butter on a spoon
5. Oreos (or the cheap walmart brand) and milk
5) Five songs I know by heart but wish I didn’t:
1. Head-Shoulders-Knees-and Toes (thank you Joel)
2. Ice-Ice-Baby (Vanilla Ice)
3. Do-wa-diddy (2 Live Crew -- it was a high school thing)
4. Can't think of too many others...
6) Five things I would do with a LOT of money:
1. Give to the church
2. Pay off the house
3. Set aside $ for kids' college
4. Buy a sports franchise... and maybe bring it to Oklahoma!
5. Buy/Build a golf course or baseball youth complex
7) Five things I would never wear:
1. Dress
2. Ear rings or any other rings attached to part of my body
3. a pink shirt
4. bra or sports bra
5. someone else's underwear
8) Five things I should never have worn:
1. Plaid shorts under my white, baseball pants in high school
2. Basketball shorts that go below MY calves
3. An Epcot Center ball cap
4. a chain around my neck (it just wasn't me)
5. a psycho girl-friend in high school's class ring
9) Five things I enjoy doing:
1. Time with my wife, watching movies and eating out and going places
2. Playing with my kids... but mainly finding ways to make them laugh
3. Playing sports (golf, basketball, softball, volleyball, fishing) and/or Coaching Sports
4. Doing random, misc. stuff on the computer
5. Driving in a car at night, when everyone else in the vehicle is sleeping. It's just a really
cool thing to experience.
10) Five bad habits of mine:
1. Not 'really' listening to Jeanise when she's talking to me (need to work on that focus thing)
2. Jumping to conclusions too quickly and reacting too quickly
3. Speaking before I think about what I'm going to say
4. Leave dishes out without rinsing them
5. Talking too loud on my cell phone (that's what Jeanise says...)
Well... that was fun! Hope you all can copy that and maybe do the same thing. Let me know if you do.